Professional Hoarding Cleanup Services in South Carolina
Steri-Clean South Carolina specializes in hoarding cleanup. We assist hoarders and their families take on the daunting task of cleaning out their homes. Hoarding is classified as a mental health disorder and is estimated to affect 5-7% of the population, which is about 19 million Americans.
Hoarding disorder is a behavioral pattern making it difficult for individuals to throw things away. This could be garbage, sentimental items, literature, paperwork, collectibles, and much more.
Steri-Clean is trained in the psychology of hoarding to make the most progress possible. We have the compassion and understanding to successfully clean up a hoarded home and make the individual as comfortable as possible. Whether you are reaching for yourself or another, Steri-Clean is here for you to assist in any way.
Hoarding situations can take a toll on one’s mental health. Some feel safe when surrounded by items, and others get very depressed. Steri-Clean offers state of the art hoarding cleanup that is tailored to each person and their situation. Hoarding can leave a home unhealthy and unstable. This can lead to several physical and mental health problems.
There may be exposure to rotten food, animal or human waste resulting in a biohazard, and in some situations mold and water damage. These circumstances can be detrimental to one’s physical health.
A hoarding cleanup situation is not a normal cleanup. It requires much more than a normal maid service offers. Compassion and understanding is a key element to our success. Let Steri-Clean help you restore your home and life!
The Secrets of a Hoarding Situation
Hoarding is not something openly talked about. It is often a person’s biggest secret. It can be very shameful. It becomes so overwhelming; it is often easier to look the other way.
Steri-Clean offers comfort, compassion, and understanding in every hoarding cleanup. We do not judge.
Why You or a Loved One May Need Professional Hoarding Cleanup
Each hoarding situation is different. It may involve items stacked neatly, or with no organization. There may be pathways or filled rooms. There is no standard for a hoarded house. Hoarding cleanup situations may involve rotten food, animal carcasses, animal or human waste, and much more – all of which could be detrimental to your health.
If any of the following are applicable, hoarding cleanup may be right for you:
• Unable to access doorways/fire exits.
• Unable to use appliances.
• Unable to heat/cool your home.
• Unable to safely navigate through your home.
• Non-functioning bathrooms
• Unable to provide a safe living environment for you, others, and pets
How We Can Help and Our Process
Our technicians are thoroughly trained to provide hoarding clean up. We approach each situation with knowledge, expertise, and a true compassion for those involved.
We offer two ways of getting an estimate to make the client as comfortable as possible. We can come on-site or conduct an estimate via photos. Each person is different and has different needs and levels of comfortability.
We discuss our findings and work with you to create a customized plan to achieve your goals. We can assist you with the following and more:
Clutter Removal
• Search and recovery of items, paperwork, collectibles, valuables, etc.
• Packing and storing
• Organization
• Deep Cleaning
• Odor Removal
• Cleaning Salvageable items
• Distributing Donations
You can count on the experts at Steri-Clean South Carolina to help you through this process. We are here for you 24/7. Give us a call today to speak to one of our compassionate representatives to find out what we can do to restore your home and life.
Our 24/7 telephone number is 1-888-577-5706.